Our mission is to let students enjoy the fun of learning English. In contrast to simply being a subject, English is authentic and related to the daily life.
- Creative Writing is implemented in Reading Lesson taught by our NETs who promote “From Reading to Writing”. Students are encouraged to write different genres after reading assigned books.
- Besides English and Reading Lessons, students are encouraged to write their own drama scripts in Drama Lesson.

- Students are encouraged to speak English to the English teachers during and after the lessons.
- Students can participate in activities in the English Room, play games, read books and communicate with the NETs during recess.
- Group discussions and presentations are held during English lessons.
- Students are nominated to be English Helpers. Let students themselves be the leaders who can initiate English speaking activities.

- English assemblies, group discussions or presentations are held to improve listening skills.

- Phonics are taught in separate lessons systematically in Primary One and Two to help students decode and remember new words.
- Grammar structures, vocabulary as well as the context are introduced through reading different readers.
- Students are required to read novel series during long holidays with suggestion of interesting fictions and interactive pre-reading and post-reading activities.
- eLearning Policy:
- An online self-paced English reading scheme is subscribed for the whole school as we encourage students to read an animated read-along book every week.
- An online assorted English programme is subscribed to allow students to read from a collection of graded authentic non-fiction texts.

English Activities
- Various activities with different interesting themes are held on certain Friday Activities sessions. These activities include fashion show, cooking competition, dramas and games.